Acquire Your Competitive Edge with Real-Time, Correlated Data Recommendations

A sales intelligence platform that delivers tailored AI-driven recommendations and real-time decision-making to supercharge sales, marketing & e-commerce teams.


<svg width="28" height="26" viewBox="0 0 28 26" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M25.467 26.0003L19.2003 19.7337C18.2892 20.4448 17.2837 21.0003 16.1837 21.4003C15.0837 21.8003 13.9114 22.0003 12.667 22.0003C10.667 22.0003 8.86144 21.5114 7.25033 20.5337C5.63921 19.5559 4.36699 18.267 3.43366 16.667H6.70033C7.45588 17.4892 8.33921 18.1392 9.35033 18.617C10.3614 19.0948 11.467 19.3337 12.667 19.3337C14.8892 19.3337 16.7781 18.5559 18.3337 17.0003C19.8892 15.4448 20.667 13.5559 20.667 11.3337C20.667 9.11144 19.8892 7.22255 18.3337 5.66699C16.7781 4.11144 14.8892 3.33366 12.667 3.33366C10.5781 3.33366 8.77255 4.03921 7.25033 5.45033C5.7281 6.86144 4.8781 8.60033 4.70033 10.667H2.03366C2.21144 7.84477 3.31699 5.47255 5.35033 3.55033C7.38366 1.6281 9.82255 0.666992 12.667 0.666992C15.6448 0.666992 18.167 1.70033 20.2337 3.76699C22.3003 5.83366 23.3337 8.35588 23.3337 11.3337C23.3337 12.5781 23.1337 13.7503 22.7337 14.8503C22.3337 15.9503 21.7781 16.9559 21.067 17.867L27.3337 24.1337L25.467 26.0003ZM11.2337 16.667L9.13366 9.73366L7.40033 14.667H0.666992V12.667H6.00033L8.20033 6.33366H10.2003L12.2337 13.1337L13.667 8.66699H15.667L17.667 12.667H18.667V14.667H16.4337L14.867 11.5337L13.2003 16.667H11.2337Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

AI-Driven Correlated Insights
Unique ability to use AI to generate data and correlate various data points to provide useful trends and insights.

<svg width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 7.33366H4V20.667H0V7.33366ZM0 0.666992H4V6.00033H0V0.666992ZM13.3333 15.3337H17.3333V20.667H13.3333V15.3337ZM13.3333 11.3337H17.3333V14.0003H13.3333V11.3337ZM6.66667 11.3337H10.6667V20.667H6.66667V11.3337ZM6.66667 6.00033H10.6667V10.0003H6.66667V6.00033Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Retailer Specific Data
Provides standardized, location-based data across all business models (marketplaces, pure players, bricks & clicks), allowing for precise recommendations tailored to specific retailers.

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 24V21.3333L2.66667 18.6667V24H0ZM5.33333 24V16L8 13.3333V24H5.33333ZM10.6667 24V13.3333L13.3333 16.0333V24H10.6667ZM16 24V16.0333L18.6667 13.3667V24H16ZM21.3333 24V10.6667L24 8V24H21.3333ZM0 17.1V13.3333L9.33333 4L14.6667 9.33333L24 0V3.76667L14.6667 13.1L9.33333 7.76667L0 17.1Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Real-time Analytics
Enables enterprises to make timely data-driven decisions and react quickly to a changing competitive environment.

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M13.3333 8V0H24V8H13.3333ZM0 13.3333V0H10.6667V13.3333H0ZM13.3333 24V10.6667H24V24H13.3333ZM0 24V16H10.6667V24H0ZM2.66667 10.6667H8V2.66667H2.66667V10.6667ZM16 21.3333H21.3333V13.3333H16V21.3333ZM16 5.33333H21.3333V2.66667H16V5.33333ZM2.66667 21.3333H8V18.6667H2.66667V21.3333Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Customizable Dashboards
Offers dashboards tailored to specific business needs, with quick and flexible customization process that outperform traditional tools, providing answers to customer use cases efficiently.

<svg width="24" height="21" viewBox="0 0 24 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.75 20.5998L10.35 11.1498C9.56667 11.3331 8.8375 11.6081 8.1625 11.9748C7.4875 12.3415 6.88333 12.7998 6.35 13.3498L4.25 11.1998C4.78333 10.6665 5.35833 10.1998 5.975 9.79981C6.59167 9.39981 7.25 9.04981 7.95 8.74981L5.7 6.49981C5.01667 6.84981 4.37917 7.23731 3.7875 7.66231C3.19583 8.08731 2.63333 8.56647 2.1 9.09981L0 6.94981C0.533333 6.41647 1.0875 5.93731 1.6625 5.51231C2.2375 5.08731 2.85 4.68314 3.5 4.29981L1.4 2.1998L2.8 0.799805L21.2 19.1998L19.75 20.5998ZM12 18.9998C11.3 18.9998 10.7083 18.754 10.225 18.2623C9.74167 17.7706 9.5 17.1831 9.5 16.4998C9.5 15.7998 9.74167 15.2081 10.225 14.7248C10.7083 14.2415 11.3 13.9998 12 13.9998C12.7 13.9998 13.2917 14.2415 13.775 14.7248C14.2583 15.2081 14.5 15.7998 14.5 16.4998C14.5 17.1831 14.2583 17.7706 13.775 18.2623C13.2917 18.754 12.7 18.9998 12 18.9998ZM17.9 13.0498L17.175 12.3248L16.45 11.5998L12.85 7.99981C14.2 8.13314 15.4625 8.47481 16.6375 9.02481C17.8125 9.57481 18.85 10.2998 19.75 11.1998L17.9 13.0498ZM21.9 9.09981C20.6167 7.81647 19.1292 6.81231 17.4375 6.08731C15.7458 5.36231 13.9333 4.99981 12 4.99981C11.65 4.99981 11.3125 5.01231 10.9875 5.03731C10.6625 5.06231 10.3333 5.09981 10 5.14981L7.45 2.5998C8.18333 2.3998 8.92917 2.2498 9.6875 2.1498C10.4458 2.0498 11.2167 1.9998 12 1.9998C14.3667 1.9998 16.575 2.44147 18.625 3.3248C20.675 4.20814 22.4667 5.41647 24 6.94981L21.9 9.09981Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Offline data
Collection and utilization of offline data to provide comprehensive insights.

<svg width="20" height="28" viewBox="0 0 20 28" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.99967 27.3337C9.4219 27.3337 8.89967 27.1948 8.43301 26.917C7.96634 26.6392 7.59967 26.267 7.33301 25.8003C6.59967 25.8003 5.9719 25.5392 5.44967 25.017C4.92745 24.4948 4.66634 23.867 4.66634 23.1337V18.4003C3.35523 17.5337 2.30523 16.3892 1.51634 14.967C0.727452 13.5448 0.333008 12.0003 0.333008 10.3337C0.333008 7.64477 1.2719 5.36144 3.14967 3.48366C5.02745 1.60588 7.31079 0.666992 9.99967 0.666992C12.6886 0.666992 14.9719 1.60588 16.8497 3.48366C18.7275 5.36144 19.6663 7.64477 19.6663 10.3337C19.6663 12.0448 19.2719 13.6003 18.483 15.0003C17.6941 16.4003 16.6441 17.5337 15.333 18.4003V23.1337C15.333 23.867 15.0719 24.4948 14.5497 25.017C14.0275 25.5392 13.3997 25.8003 12.6663 25.8003C12.3997 26.267 12.033 26.6392 11.5663 26.917C11.0997 27.1948 10.5775 27.3337 9.99967 27.3337ZM7.33301 23.1337H12.6663V21.9337H7.33301V23.1337ZM7.33301 20.6003H12.6663V19.3337H7.33301V20.6003ZM7.06634 16.667H8.99967V13.067L6.06634 10.1337L7.46634 8.73366L9.99967 11.267L12.533 8.73366L13.933 10.1337L10.9997 13.067V16.667H12.933C14.133 16.0892 15.1108 15.2392 15.8663 14.117C16.6219 12.9948 16.9997 11.7337 16.9997 10.3337C16.9997 8.3781 16.3219 6.72255 14.9663 5.36699C13.6108 4.01144 11.9552 3.33366 9.99967 3.33366C8.04412 3.33366 6.38856 4.01144 5.03301 5.36699C3.67745 6.72255 2.99967 8.3781 2.99967 10.3337C2.99967 11.7337 3.37745 12.9948 4.13301 14.117C4.88856 15.2392 5.86634 16.0892 7.06634 16.667Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Personalized Solutions and Support
Human Advice combined with AI, ensuring that users recieve tailor made solutions vetted by industry-experienced business experts.


<svg width="22" height="20" viewBox="0 0 22 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.2165 0.37793H21.8248V19.6224H18.2165V0.37793ZM0.174805 11.2029H3.78314V19.6224H0.174805V11.2029ZM13.4054 0.37793H17.0137V3.98627H13.4054V0.37793ZM8.59425 1.58071H12.2026V6.39182H8.59425V1.58071ZM4.98592 7.5946H8.59425V12.4057H4.98592V7.5946Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Sales Impact Analysis
Identifies the value of sales lost due to out-of-stocks and helps in optimizing inventory to minimize lost sales opportunities. Evaluates the impact of marketing efforts on sales growth, allowing businesses to measure and enhance the effectiveness of their campaigns.

<svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24px" fill="currentColor"><path d="M160-240v-320 13-173 480Zm0-400h640v-80H160v80Zm303 480H160q-33 0-56.5-23.5T80-240v-480q0-33 23.5-56.5T160-800h640q33 0 56.5 23.5T880-720v213q-35-25-76.5-39T716-560q-57 0-107.5 21.5T520-480H160v240h279q3 21 9 41t15 39Zm213 80-12-60q-12-5-22.5-10.5T620-164l-58 18-40-68 46-40q-2-13-2-26t2-26l-46-40 40-68 58 18q11-8 21.5-13.5T664-420l12-60h80l12 60q12 5 22.5 10.5T812-396l58-18 40 68-46 40q2 13 2 26t-2 26l46 40-40 68-58-18q-11 8-21.5 13.5T768-140l-12 60h-80Zm40-120q33 0 56.5-23.5T796-280q0-33-23.5-56.5T716-360q-33 0-56.5 23.5T636-280q0 33 23.5 56.5T716-200Z"/></svg>

Pricing Strategy Support
Assesses whether businesses are playing in the right price point and provides insights into the value of premiumization, helping brands refine their pricing strategies.

<svg width="22" height="16" viewBox="0 0 22 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11 2.5C14.79 2.5 18.17 4.63 19.82 8C18.17 11.37 14.8 13.5 11 13.5C7.2 13.5 3.83 11.37 2.18 8C3.83 4.63 7.21 2.5 11 2.5ZM11 0.5C6 0.5 1.73 3.61 0 8C1.73 12.39 6 15.5 11 15.5C16 15.5 20.27 12.39 22 8C20.27 3.61 16 0.5 11 0.5ZM11 5.5C12.38 5.5 13.5 6.62 13.5 8C13.5 9.38 12.38 10.5 11 10.5C9.62 10.5 8.5 9.38 8.5 8C8.5 6.62 9.62 5.5 11 5.5ZM11 3.5C8.52 3.5 6.5 5.52 6.5 8C6.5 10.48 8.52 12.5 11 12.5C13.48 12.5 15.5 10.48 15.5 8C15.5 5.52 13.48 3.5 11 3.5Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Category Growth Identification
Determines which SKUs and categories are driving overall category growth, helping businesses focus on high-potential areas. Tracks value and volume shares within a category, providing a clear picture of market positioning.

<svg width="19" height="18" viewBox="0 0 19 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 7.02H12V18H7V7.02ZM14 18H17C18.1 18 19 17.1 19 16V7H14V18ZM17 0H2C0.9 0 0 0.9 0 2V5H19V2C19 0.9 18.1 0 17 0ZM0 16C0 17.1 0.9 18 2 18H5V7H0V16Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Competitor Benchmarking
Analyzes competitive positioning, highlighting how a business differs from competitors and what best practices can be adopted to improve performance. Identifies the strongest competitors by location, allowing for strategic adjustments in targeted regions.

<svg width="27" height="16" viewBox="0 0 27 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.467 1.13333L21.387 3.05333L14.8803 9.56L10.4936 5.17333C9.97363 4.65333 9.13363 4.65333 8.61363 5.17333L0.613633 13.1867C0.0936328 13.7067 0.0936328 14.5467 0.613633 15.0667C1.13363 15.5867 1.97363 15.5867 2.49363 15.0667L9.54696 8L13.9336 12.3867C14.4536 12.9067 15.2936 12.9067 15.8136 12.3867L23.267 4.94667L25.187 6.86667C25.6003 7.28 26.3203 6.98667 26.3203 6.4V0.666667C26.3336 0.293333 26.0403 0 25.667 0H19.947C19.347 0 19.0536 0.72 19.467 1.13333Z" fill="#28303E"/> </svg>

Beyond Data Analytics
Moves beyond charts and tables, delivering more than just answers to business questions, with actionable recommendations that are ready to implement.

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